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Health Advisory Committee

Pursuant to the S.C. Comprehensive Health Education Act (CHEA)(S.C. Ann. 9 59-32 30(B)), the Health Advisory Committee (HAC) operates under the authority and guidance of the Beaufort County School Board of Education and is comprised of:

  • Two Parents,
  • Three Clergy,
  • Two Health Professionals,
  • Two Teachers,
  • Two Students (One being the president of the student body of a high school),
  • And Two other persons not employed by BCSD.

This committee advises the Board by assisting in the selection of components and curriculum materials, however, final decisions regarding reproductive health education, family life education, and pregnancy prevention education rests with the Beaufort County Board of Education.  

If you have any questions regarding this committee, please email Robyn Cushingberry at or Melissa Vogt at Those interested in filling future openings on the Health Advisory committee can apply using our interest form.

The following by-laws are approved and enforced by the Board. HEALTH ADVISORY BY-LAWS

Health Advisory Meeting Agendas and Documents