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Upcoming Meetings

Upcoming meetings of the Beaufort County Board of Education are held on the first and third Tuesdays of each month, beginning at 6 p.m., except for months including a full day Work Session. Visit our Calendar Section for a schedule of our upcoming meetings and to download published agendas (posted 24 hours in advance). Live broadcasts will be made available on the BCTV website for those who cannot attend in person. 

Public Comments for Business Meetings

Instructions for Public Comments are listed at the top of the published Board Meeting agenda. Please ensure that you are viewing the agenda for the meeting you wish to speak at, as the times to put in your request to speak are subject to change.

Past Meetings

Board meetings archives can be accessed using the file folders below.  Under each date are clickable links to the agenda, documents via BoardDocs and Community, video recordings, and minutes. 

We are currently moving from BoardDocs to Community to host our board meeting documents. Please be patient with us as we make this transition and be mindful that we are still moving documents over. All documents can be found using both sites hyperlinked above. 

*Board summaries are not official meeting minutes.

Board Meeting Archives

Board Voting Records

Upcoming Board Meetings

Hilton Head Middle School/Live on County Channel
Hilton Head Middle School/Live on County Channel
DESC/ Live on the County Channel