Data Services & Testing
The mission of Data Services is to establish and implement high standards and procedures for state-wide and system-wide testing programs, data collection, and data analysis in order to provide accurate and valid student achievement data that drive the decision making process for program evaluation in Beaufort County.
More information about state- and system-wide testing can be found on the SC Department of Education’s Data Test Scores website. You may also request specific data from the District using the Request for Data Form below.
SCReady & EOCEP Information for Parents & Students
Testing Information
- 2024-2025 Testing Calendar
- Teaching Stratgies GOLD
- Kindergarten Readiness Assessment (KRA)
- ACCESS for ELLS and Alternate ACCESS for ELLs
- MAP Growth
- Gifted and Talented Assessments
- South Carolina-Alternate Assessment (SC-Alt) Online
- End-of-Course Examintation Program (EOCEP)
- College Entrance Assessments
- Ready to Work (R2W)
- PreACT
2024-2025 Testing Calendar
Teaching Stratgies GOLD
Kindergarten Readiness Assessment (KRA)
ACCESS for ELLS and Alternate ACCESS for ELLs
MAP Growth
Gifted and Talented Assessments
South Carolina-Alternate Assessment (SC-Alt) Online
End-of-Course Examintation Program (EOCEP)
College Entrance Assessments
Ready to Work (R2W)
Contact Us
Brett Fritz
Director of Data Services
(843) 322-0802
Melissa Vogt
Coordinator of Assessment
(843) 322-2310
Sharon McMahon
Virtual Online Facilitator
(843) 322-5929
Lynette Green
Student Information Manager
(843) 322-5416
Crystal Mixson
Data Technician
(843) 322-5927
Jada Gray
Administrative Support
(843) 322-5434