Food Services
The Beaufort County School District recognizes student wellness and proper nutrition are related to students’ physical well-being, growth, development, and readiness to learn and is committed to the optimal development of every student.
The Nutrition Group, the district's food service vendor, has kicked off the 2022-23 school year with a new menu app for families called Nutrislice. (Parents and guardians, please download the app and use the Search tool bar to locate your child’s school and menus.) The app provides key information for meal items, such as a photo, description, ingredients, carb counts, allergens, or special dietary information and allows users to provide feedback so that The Nutrition Group can fine tune and evolve menus.
The Nutrition Group is committed to offering a variety of healthy foods for students to choose from, as well as convenient grab and go selections, and innovative programming, such as Farm to Fork, Wellness Wednesdays, Food Fusion, Tasty Bites, and Recipes of the month.
Food Services is overseen by the district's Chief Financial Officer, Tonya, Crosby.
From left to right: Tonya Crosby, Hayden Geisweidt, Patricia Wells, Palicia Owens, Roberta Edwards, Tanya Miceli, Sheila Burtz, Caitlyn White, Joe Geisweidt, Kate Petrewski, Daniel Alvarado.
Food Service Contacts
Joseph Geisweidt, Vice President, The Nutrition Group | 724-978-2100 (O), 724-244-0114 (C)
Walter Mooney, General Manager, The Nutrition Group | 843-322-0807 (O), 336-577-6974 (C)
Roberta Edwards, Operations Manager | 843-322-0811
Ginger Weekly, Food Services Accountant | 843-322-0806
Para español, llamar a Pilar Renteria, Food Service Campus Finance Specialist ll | 843-322-0810
For more information about BCSD Food Services, please read the BCSD Wellness Policy, BCSD Smart Snacks in School, and download the BCSD LWP Triennial Assessment Report.