Comprehensive school planning involves a focused look at student population and the juxtaposition of school programs, instructional and facilities' needs. We continually analyze, map and monitor and county demographics, where students live and where student populations are growing and use historical data and trends to determine future enrollment and how to address growth.
Collecting Data
School locations and five years of historical student data are mapped to the legal county addresses on a computer map, which also includes the current attendance zones, neighborhoods, and other geographic data for Beaufort County.
Analysis examines the:
Number of students attending the school (enrollment or attending);
Number of students living in the attendance zone (zoned resident students);
Number of students transferring in and out of the zone (either for School Choice, special education, employee courtesy, and other approved reasons), and from which schools; and,
Utilization rates of school buildings.
This process helps us determine which areas in the county are growing from year-to-year and which areas and neighborhood schools will need additional classrooms or recommendations for student reassignment (rezoning) to make best use of current facilities.
Enrollment Projections
We examine live birth data for Beaufort County for the last 10 years to develop cohort survival rates for PK, K, and first grades. Using the same 45-day student data for five historical years, we use a computer model to project resident students at a neighborhood level for the next five years. That data is aggregated to the school attendance zone level to create projections for each year for the next five years. Knowing which areas are growing allows us to assign students to the available classrooms and school resources. We can also project and plan future facility needs in conjunction with anticipated instructional needs.
The Ten-Year Plan and Capital Budget, commonly referred to as the Capital Improvement Plan (CIP) documents the planning process and includes detailed planning analysis. You can download the Five-Year Plan and Capital Budget to read more about the projects such as painting, restroom upgrades, site improvements, technology upgrades, flooring upgrades, roof and HVAC replacements that are slated for the district.