Title IX
BCSD Nondiscrimination Statement
The Beaufort County School District is committed to nondiscrimination and equal opportunity for all students, parents/legal guardians, staff, visitors, applicants for admission and employment, personnel, and community members who participate or seek to participate in its educational programs or activities. Accordingly, the BCSD does not discriminate against any individual on the basis of race, religion, gender, gender identity, sexual orientation, sex, pregnancy, childbirth, or any related medical conditions, color, physical or mental disability, age (40 or older), ancestry, genetic information, national origin, or any other applicable status protected by Title VI, Title VII, Title IX or any other local, state, or federal law.
To report sexual harassment, please fill out the Title IX Complaint Form and/or contact Lakinsha R. Swinton Title IX Coordinator and Director of Employee Services (lakinsha.swinton@beaufort.k12.sc.us) or call 843-322-5451 (O) or 843-441-4648 (C).
Letters can be mailed to: Ms. Swinton, Post Office Drawer 309, 2900 Mink Point Blvd., Beaufort, SC 29901 or faxed to: 843-322-5425.
Formal Complaint
The Beaufort County School District will investigate all allegations of sexual harassment in a formal complaint. A formal complaint must:
1. Contain an allegation of sexual harassment against a Respondent;
2. Request that BCSD investigate the allegation; and
3. Be signed by the Complainant (or parent or guardian of the Complainant) or Title IX Coordinator
4. In limited circumstances, if a Complainant does not sign a formal complaint, the Title IX Coordinator may sign a formal complaint. In determining whether to sign a formal complaint, the Title IX Coordinator will consider factors that include but are not limited to:
a) Whether there have been other reports of sexual harassment or other relevant misconduct concerning the same Respondent whether or not the incidents occurred while the Respondent was a BCSD student or employee or other outside contracted individual who works within the BCSD;
b) Whether the Respondent threatened further sexual harassment or other misconduct against the Complainant or others;
c) Whether the alleged sexual harassment was committed by multiple perpetrators;
d) The nature and scope of the alleged sexual harassment including whether the sexual harassment was perpetrated with a weapon;
e) The ages and roles of the Complainant and the Respondent;
f) Whether BCSD can pursue the investigation without the participation of the Complainant (e.g., whether there are other available means to obtain relevant evidence of the alleged sexual harassment such as security cameras or physical evidence);
g) Whether the report reveals a pattern of perpetration (e.g., perpetration involving illicit use of drugs or alcohol) at a given location or by a particular group.
Informal Resolution Process
At any time after a formal complaint has been signed and before a determination regarding responsibility has been reached, the parties may voluntarily agree to participate in an informal resolution facilitated by BCSD, that does not involve a full investigation and adjudication. Types of informal resolution include, but are not limited to, mediation, facilitated dialogue, conflict coaching, and restorative justice and resolution by agreement of the parties.