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Board of Education approves 3% cost of living increase for employees and dual modality bonus

Tuesday, April 19, 2022

BEAUFORT- The Beaufort County Board of Education approved the authorization of Superintendent Frank Rodriguez to pay a 3% cost of living increase to full-time active employees as of May 27, 2022. This payment will be retroactive to the beginning of the 2021-2022 school year.

“This pay increase comes at a crucial time for our employees,” said Rodriguez. “Our educators and staff worked extremely hard during the pandemic to keep learning moving forward, and they deserve this.”

Retroactive funds will be distributed to employees on June 10, 2022. The raise will be reflected in employees’ paychecks when the 2023 school year commences.

The 3% salary increases will total approximately $5.5 million to be paid from savings in the District’s current year General Fund operating budget.

The Board also authorized the superintendent to provide bonuses for teachers who performed dual modality instruction for each semester of the 2021-2022 school year.

Certified educators were paid $1,000 on December 17 of 2021 to prepare for delivery of dual modality instruction for the first semester, but those who actually delivered dual modality instruction will receive additional payments. Teachers who delivered dual modality instruction in the first semester for 1 to 14 days will receive an additional $250; 15 to 28 days $350; 29 to 42 days $450; and more than 42 days will receive $550.

Teachers who deliver dual modality instruction during the second semester for 1 to 14 days will receive $1,250; 15 to 28 days $1,350; 29 to 42 days $1,450; and more than 42 days will receive $1,550.

These newly approved dual modality bonuses will be distributed to employees in June of 2022.

These bonuses are to be paid from federal Elementary and Secondary Emergency Relief (ESSER) funds and shall not exceed $2 million.

  • BCSD Board of Education
  • cost of living
  • employee bonus