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Board of Education schedules community public forums for 2022-23 budget plans

Monday, May 9, 2022

BEAUFORT – Two public forums are scheduled this week for community members to learn more about the school district budget being developed by the Beaufort County Board of Education for the 2022-23 school year.

The first forum will be in Bluffton High School’s cafeteria at 6 p.m. Wednesday, May 11.  The second will be at Beaufort High School at 6 p.m. Thursday, May 12.

Participants at each forum will hear a presentation on the budget and have a chance to work in small groups to deeper explore various areas such as instruction, administration, operations, and salaries. Participants will be able to share their discussions and suggestions with Board members.

“One of the Board’s most significant jobs is to approve the school district’s annual budget in a transparent manner,” said Board Chair David Striebinger.  “We hope community tax payers, parents, and our educators will attend one of our budget forums so they can learn about next year’s budget and provide feedback to the Board.”

Individuals who are unable to attend can also view the proposed budget and provide feedback through BCSD Connected at Budget forum materials will be posted to BCSD Connected by May 11 and the feedback forum will be open through May 15.

The Board hopes to officially certify the district’s 2022-23 budget at its May 17 meeting. Beaufort County Council’s current timeline calls for three readings, with the final reading of the district’s budget taking place on June 27.

  • BCSD Budget
  • FY2022-23