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District holds ribbon cutting for newly renovated St. Helena Elementary gymnasium

Monday, November 6, 2023

BEAUFORT – School, district, and community leaders cut a ceremonial green and gold ribbon and then were able to tour St. Helena Elementary School’s newly renovated gymnasium.

The event, complete with student led tours, speakers, and a performance, celebrated the gymnasium renovation that includes a new entrance, signage, transportation office, restrooms, entrance canopy, gym flooring, stage curtains and flooring, interior painting, and electrical and technology upgrades.

This newly renovated gymnasium will serve our students for many years to come.

Dr. Frank Rodriguez, BCSD Superintendent


Fifth grader Zyir Pryor expressed excitement for the new courts and wall mural, emphasizing that it really encourages students to be reminded, “what school that we are…St Helena Elementary School.”


Superintendent helps students cut ribbon
St. Helena Elementary School gymnasium ribbon-cutting ceremony held on November 1, 2023


The renovation holds special historical significance as the gymnasium is a treasured restoration from the former St. Helena High School.

“It’s important to honor the past while celebrating the future,” said Superintendent Frank Rodriguez. “This newly renovated gymnasium will serve our students for many years to come.”

This $1.8 million project was funded by 8% capital bond funding. Ajax Building Company completed the renovations and the designer of record is McMillan Pazdan Smith Architecture, both based in Charleston, S.C.