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Ribbon-cutting ceremony marks opening of athletic referendum projects at Bluffton High School

Thursday, June 1, 2023

BLUFFTON – Students, educators, elected officials and community members celebrated two new athletic additions built using revenues from the Beaufort County School District bond referendum approved by county voters in November 2019. The ribbon-cutting ceremony marked the official opening of the athletic field house and wrestling/cheer room at Bluffton High School (BLHS). 

It’s super awesome not just for football, but for all of our athletic teams to have these really nice locker rooms.

BLHS Football Coach Hayden Gregory

In addition to lighted Bobcat signage prominently displayed on the field house adjacent to the football stadium and track, the 5,710 sq ft facility boasts locker rooms for Fall and Spring athletes, a referee locker room, and a training room.  

Dr. Rodriguez cuts the ribbon with the help of the Bluffton cheer squad
Dr. Rodriguez cuts the ribbon as Bluffton cheerleaders look on.

“It’s super awesome not just for football, but for all of our athletic teams to have these really nice locker rooms,” said BLHS Football Coach Hayden Gregory. “It’s super convenient for us and it’s a really first-class facility.”

The 2,878 sq ft wrestling/cheer room is near the school’s gym for convenient access. “It’s great to have a facility that wrestling and cheerleading can finally call their own, said BLHS Athletic Director Todd Stewart. “We’re very excited to have it.”

Student wrestler Jada Lawrence hopes the room will enable the wrestling team to “expand on our training so that we can ultimately dominate within the region.”

Equally excited about the opportunity for competitive improvement, Cheer Coach Tawny Powers appreciates the advantages offered by the new space. “Our girls can work on their tumbling and stunting skills; these high ceilings and bright lights make it more competitive and gives them that competition feel to make sure that when we do get on the competition floor, we’re ready to go and not distracted.”

All referendum projects and expenditures are independently monitored by the Citizen-Led Oversight Committee, several members of which attended the ribbon-cutting ceremony at Bluffton High School.

Accompanying video footage: