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Academic Programs

The Education and Economic Development Act 2005 (EEDA) was written and passed by the South Carolina Legislature to create the curriculum framework for kindergarten through post-secondary education. The EEDA requires high schools to:

  • Organize the curriculum around 16 state career clusters with cluster majors that relate to career goals. The list of 16 clusters can be found at Advance CTE.

  • Develop for each student and annually review an Individual Graduation Plan that outlines courses required for graduation and preparation for post-secondary career aspirations, including extended learning opportunities in the workplace or college.

  • Implement the principles of the Southern Regional Education Board (SREB) High Schools That Work Model.

  • Provide every student access to a Career Development Facilitator (CDF) and School Counselor to develop, review and revise their Individual Graduation Plan (IGP). The plan should support their career choice with appropriate academic courses. Every student is encouraged to take advantage of the opportunity to earn 32 credits while in high school. Several career information programs such as SCOIS are available at the school to assist students, Career Development Facilitators and School Counselors with this planning.

  • The Cambridge Advanced International Certificate of Education (AICE) Diploma is an international curriculum and examination system that emphasizes the value of broad and balanced study. The Cambridge Academy provides students with the opportunity to pursue a rigorous program of study based on standardized curriculum. Students will also have the opportunity to apply learning through cross content methods. Contact Battery Creek or May River high schools for additional details.