Student achievement begins with understanding the conditions, successes, and challenges of each school within our district.
To qualify for a state high school diploma, a student must earn a minimum of 24 Carnegie units of credit in state-approved courses distributed as follows:
- English Language Arts (must include English 2) 4.0
- Mathematics (must include Algebra 1) 4.0
- Science (must include Biology 1) 3.0
- Social Studies 3.0
- Must include US History/Constitution (1.0)
- Must include Economics (.5)
- Must include US Government (.5)
- Personal Finance .5
- Foreign Language* 1.0
- Physical Education or JROTC 1** 1.0
- Computer Science 1.0
- Electives 6.5
*Many colleges/universities require a min of 2.0 credits for Foreign Language
**Must include a health component
Science Course List & Descriptions
Course offerings will vary per school. Check with the individual school counselors to verify.
South Carolina’s Vision for Science Education Academic Standards begins in Kindergarten and extends each year through 12th grade, providing all students with a coherent K - 12 progression of authentic and relevant learning experiences where they actively engage in science and engineering practices and apply crosscutting concepts to deepen their understanding of each field’s disciplinary core ideas.