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Early Release & Winter Graduation Policies

Early Release

BCSD does not authorize Early Release of seniors who have met South Carolina Graduation Requirements. A student must have a course load of seven or eight credits for each year in high school. Upon administrative approval, a senior can be authorized Early Release only when they are enrolled in an approved Work-Based Learning Program or enrolled in the Dual Enrollment Program.

Early Winter Graduation

In order to be considered for early graduation, the student must meet the following criteria:

  • The student and parent must make the request for a change in classification and early graduation in writing to the principal indicating the reason(s) the request is being made by the last day of 1st quarter for Fall (DEC) graduates.

  • The student and parent must confer with a school counselor for advisement on advanced courses and electives which relate to the student’s career goals.

  • The student must have been enrolled in high school for at least two years.

  •  The student must have earned credits in English I, II, and III prior to making the request. English IV is the only English course allowed in the final year.

  • The student must have earned at least 18 credits or be able to take the number of credits in his/her final year to equal the number of required credits for high school graduation without having to enroll in correspondence courses.

  • The counselor must submit a recommendation to the principal for a final decision.

  • Early and winter graduates may participate in the spring commencement ceremonies.