Grading & Assessment
Uniform Grading Policy
Please review the South Carolina State Board of Education Uniform Policy and the Uniform Grading Policy Administrative Procedures.
Other Grading Policies in the Uniform Grading Policy
The criteria for determining honor graduates, including valedictorian, salutatorian, and Top 10, is a local decision.
Life Scholarships are determined at the end of the senior year, however, local boards may establish earlier cut-offs (i.e. 7th semester or 3rd 9 weeks of the senior year) for determining a rank for any local purpose.
The Beaufort County School District only uses the SC Uniform Grading Scale for determining GPA, class rank and local recognition. The first day of enrollment is used as a baseline. Using the first day of enrollment in the course as the baseline, students who withdraw from a course within three days in a 45-day course, five days in a 90-day course, or ten days in a 180-day course will do so without penalty. Students who withdraw from a course after the deadline will be assigned a WF (50) and the F will be calculated in the student’s overall grade point average/ratio. The limitations for withdrawing from a course without penalty do not apply to course or course level changes initiated by the administration of a school.