Pass/Fail Grades
According to the Uniform Grading Policy, if the transcript indicates that the student has earned a grade of P (passing) or F (failing), that grade will be converted to a numerical designation on the basis of information secured from the sending institution as to the appropriate numerical value of the “P” or the “F.”
If no numerical average can be obtained from the sending institution on the “F,” the grade entered will be a 50.
If no numerical average can be obtained from the sending institution on the “P,” the student’s cumulative transfer GPA will be calculated and the corresponding number equivalent will be assigned to replace the “P.” (For example, if a student transfers with a cumulative GPA of 3.5 on the CP scale, the grade of “P” would be converted to an 85. A grade of “P”, in other words, will neither positively nor negatively impact the student’s transfer GPA. In the event that the student’s cumulative GPA is an “F ” and no numerical designation can be obtained by the sending school for the numeric value of the “P,” the grade entered will be the lowest passing grade (60). If the sending institution’s numeric grade is below 60 but marked as passing, the receiving school should attempt to find out the equivalent letter grade associated with the grade below 60 and apply the rule for that letter grade (For example, if the sending school’s 55 = D, then D = 65 at the receiving school).