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Uniform Grading Scale & Conversions

The Uniform Grading Scale and policy governs courses that students take to earn high school diplomas. The Uniform Grading Scale requires that grades be recorded numerically and outlines the calculation to be used to ascertain a student’s grade point ratio. A student may also receive WF for “withdrawn after deadline”, or FA for “failure due to excessive absences.

Download and print the South Carolina Uniform Grading Scale.

Converting Grades on Transcripts - Out of State and Non-Public Schools

As noted on the Uniform Grading Policy, when transcripts are received from accredited out-of-state schools (or in state from accredited sources other than the public schools) and numerical averages are provided, those averages must be used in transferring the grades to the student’s record. If letter grades with no numerical averages are provided, this conversion will apply: A = 95, B = 85, C = 75, D = 65, F = 50. If the transcript indicates that the student has earned a passing grade in any course in which he or she had a numerical average lower than 60, that average will be converted to a 65 numerical grade on the new scale. See SBE Regulation 43-273 for additional information on transfers and withdrawals.