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School Library Materials Reconsideration Information

This webpage is designed to serve as a resource for citizens desiring to remain apprised of the status of any district library materials currently under review as part of the book challenge process as defined in Administrative Regulation IS-38.1

Beaufort County citizens wishing to sign up to serve on a materials reconsideration committee are encouraged to fill out the School Library Materials Review Committee Interest form.  

If, as a parent, you object to your child having access to specific library materials and would like your child opted out of individual titles, please complete the Request to Opt-Out of School Library Materials Form. You can also find the SCDE Reconsideration of Instructional Material Complaint Form here. Please email the completed form to

Scheduled Materials Review Committee Meetings

Committee meetings are conducted in accordance with the provisions of the South Carolina Freedom of Information Act, and committee members are to follow Administrative Regulation IS-38.1, Procedures for Handling Questioned or Challenged School Library Materials. The value of the book is to be examined as a whole and the impact of an entire work considered, transcending individual words, phrases, and incidents.

The district asks for patience and understanding during the materials committee review process. District staff is doing their best to keep the process moving as expeditiously as possible while still fulfilling other job duties and responsibilities.

Review Status by Book Title