The goal of Beaufort County Schools K-12 Mathematics is to provide students with the opportunities and resources necessary to develop the fluency, critical thinking and problem solving skills they will need to be “College and Career Ready” when they leave our schools. With the adoption of the 2015 South Carolina College and Career Readiness standards for math we transitioned to a higher level of expectations that will offer a more focused and cohesive understanding of mathematical concepts. In teaching mathematics, it is essential that our students build the mathematics content from the conceptual understanding to the procedural understanding, as well as, receive real world connections to the concepts that they are learning throughout their years as Beaufort County students. We must ensure teachers and students feel supported as we work to improve student achievement that includes:
Delivering ongoing professional development that aligns to the 2015 South Carolina College and Career Readiness Standards, research based instructional practices and resources; as well as the Profile of the South Carolina Graduate
Developing a professional learning community across the district to improve teachers' knowledge of content, pedagogy and learning theories
Maintaining high expectations for students and providing experiences that engage students in reasoning, problem solving, applying mathematical knowledge and demonstrating computational fluency
Encouraging the use of technology in our classrooms to enhance instruction utilizing our one to one device access for students and teachers
**All of our elementary and middle schools have access to a Numeracy Coach throughout the course of the school day. Professional development is provided to Numeracy Coaches throughout the school year to help build their capacity to assist teachers in their building with instructional strategies and focuses that support learning and student achievement. **