Foundation for Educational Excellence
The Foundation for Educational Excellence was established by the Beaufort County School District in 2007 to fund innovative teacher grants and school resource grants that support student enrichment activities and projects beyond regular school budgets.
What kind of projects do Foundation Grants fund?
Our Foundation projects range from learning science through butterfly gardens to getting students excited about technology through robotics, exercising students' mind and body on pickleball courts to encouraging creativity on pottery wheels. What all grants have in common is that they are “outside of the traditional teaching curriculum” to spark inquisitive minds in new ways.
When and how are Foundation grants awarded?
The Foundation for Educational Excellence awards Innovative Teacher grants (up to $750 per classroom) and School Resource grants (up to $4,000 for school wide potential use) once a year in the fall. Other special grants given throughout the year include: student enrichment grants, the Dr. Wayne Carbiener Above and Beyond Teacher of the Year award, and Helping Build A Teacher’s Toolkit (induction teacher) grants. Contact for specific deadlines.
How are monies raised to fund these grants?
The Foundation receives support from benefactors that include The Bargain Box of Hilton Head, Italian American Club of Hilton Head, Friends of Callawassie Island, Moss Creek Charitable Fund, Women's Association of Hilton Head Island - WAHHI, and individual donors.
Innovative Teacher and School Resource Grants are awarded once a year in the fall. Induction grants are given out during the first quarter of the calendar year. For specific deadlines, email: Submissions are scored and awarded by committee. Visit our grant application and instructions webpage for more information and download the Foundation's flyer.
Foundation News
Foundation for Educational Excellence announces 2024 Innovative Teacher and School Resource Grant Recipients
Video Announcement:
Community Partner
Donations can be made directly to DONATE / VOLUNTEER | FFEE ( Donations are tax deductible as allowable by law.
Foundation for Educational Excellence
Post Office Box 3662, Bluffton SC 29910
Email: | Phone: 843-368-4986
Thank you for your support!
Linda Navorska, Chair
Lisa Carroll, Immediate Past Chair
Karen Beltz, Vice Chair
John Mosca, Treasurer
Kim Dempsey, Innovative Grants Chair
Michel Claudio
Christopher (Chris) Epps
Connie Johnson
*Carol Protch
*Carole Ramsey
Danielle Troutman
Jackie Rosswurm, Emeritus Board Member
Cristin Casper, Ex Officio Board Member, B.C.S.D. Liaison
* New Board Members