Vendor Background Checks
Thank you for your interest in working for the Beaufort County School District. All persons who have cause to be on district and/or school grounds working as an employees, volunteer, vendor and/or contractor must have passed a South Carolina criminal background check, which includes a screening by the nationwide Sex Offender Registry. Successful completion of the criminal background checks occur prior to individuals being allowed on district and/or school property. The employee, volunteer, vendor and/or contractor is responsible for all fees associated with completion of the required background checks. The district reserves the right to deny access to any employee, vendor and/or contractor.
Student safety is our top priority. One way we protect students is by thoroughly screening the vendors and contractors who work in our schools.
Visit our secure LOGIN to initiate a background screening required for all vendors. The cost is $19.95.
District requirements for approval of a background check are the same as the State requirements for approval of an educator. Additional guidelines regarding background checks can be found in district's Administrative Rule HRS - 47 Criminal History Records Check Of Applicants And Volunteers For Employment And Staff.
Employees, volunteers, vendors and/or contractors will be approved if their background check reveals:
- Arrests, where criminal charges were dropped or dismissed (as evidenced by an expungement order or an entry of nolle prosequi by a solicitor);
- Up to two DUI incidents, three years or older;
- Single misdemeanor;
- Multiple misdemeanors, all three years or older (excluding cases involving violence, drugs, sexual misconduct, breach of public trust, and minors);
- Convictions for which a full pardon has been granted; and,
- Minor traffic violations (these are generally disregarded if the employee, volunteer vendor and/or contractor is not driving as a normal part of their duties.
Any persons who fail to meet the above criteria shall not be allowed on district property unless first approved by the district’s Procurement Coordinator and/or Risk Manager. Audits of vendor and/or contractor compliance may be conducted by the district.
Failure to adhere to these requirements regarding background checks will be considered a breach of contract by the vendor and/or contractor and shall be grounds for immediate termination of the contract without penalty. Any costs, charges, fees, or expenses incurred by the district resulting from the failure or refusal of the vendor and/or contractor to abide by these background check requirements shall be the responsibility of the vendor and/or contractor.