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Compulsory Attendance

State law requires all children between the ages of five and seventeen to attend regularly a public or private school or kindergarten or be approved by the BCSD or the South Carolina Independent Schools Association for home instruction. A parent/legal guardian whose child or ward is not six (6) years old on or before September 1st of the school year may waive kindergarten attendance for his/her child. For this purpose, the parent/legal guardian must present to the BCSD a written document making such a decision.


The Beaufort County School District believes attendance is a key factor in student achievement. Any absence from school represents an educational loss to the student, and staff will take educationally sound corrective actions to eliminate impediments to student achievement.

The Superintendent expects district students to attend school regularly. Regular attendance is necessary if students are to make the desired and expected academic and social progress. Any absence from school represents an educational loss. The district recognizes some absences are unavoidable. Please read and download the South Carolina State Board Regulations R 43-274 (Spanish: South Carolina State Board Regulations R 43-274.)