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Community Engagement

Service learning opportunities provide RCP students with an deeper understanding of community and the importance of community service. Under the supervision of school counselor Mrs. Cheryl Dopson, RCP students have an opportunity to be actively engaged in the community during the school year. Participation in service learning opportunities allow students to meet and talk with people working in the food service industry, armed services, law enforcement, healthcare, cosmetology, and other career fields in Beaufort County. 


Smart Girls Training

This five- to eight-session curriculum was created by North Carolina Educators from the Guilford County Health Department. This training is evidence-based and has been proven to change behavior among preteens/teens.

Along with training, every student receives a meal/snack at each session attended; a stipend of up to $50-$100 for attendance upon completion of the program; and the option to join our Teen Connections Leadership Council which allows students to continue their monthly education and give back to the community through volunteer work.

The Counsel, Therapeutic Interventions and Therapy Dogs are three other programs that student are able to participate in.